Mark Harmon’s departure from NCIS marked the end of an era. For nearly two decades, Harmon’s portrayal of Leroy Jethro Gibbs provided the show with its emotional core, balancing steely determination with heartfelt moments of vulnerability. His final episode, “Great Wide Open,” was a poignant farewell that left fans in tears. Gibbs’ decision to stay in Alaska, embracing a quieter life after years of loss and turmoil, felt like the right ending—but it was bittersweet to see him walk away.
The emotional weight of Gibbs’ goodbye was magnified by the relationships he nurtured throughout the series. Moments with McGee, who pleaded with Gibbs to return home, tugged at viewers’ heartstrings. The episode beautifully captured the bond between the team and their leader, making his departure feel deeply personal.
While the series continues, Harmon’s absence is palpable. Gibbs was more than a character; he was the soul of NCIS. Watching him leave is a testament to the show’s legacy and Harmon’s unforgettable impact.