Bonanza, a beloved Western television series, ran for 14 seasons, making it the second-longest-running Western in TV history, after Gunsmoke. However, the show’s trajectory changed drastically following the sudden and tragic death of Dan Blocker, who portrayed Eric “Hoss” Cartwright. Dan passed away in 1972 at just 43 years old from a pulmonary embolism after routine gallbladder surgery.
Hoss was a fan favorite, and his loss was deeply felt by the cast, crew, and audience alike. The final episode featuring Dan, titled “One Ace Too Many,” was part of the 13th season’s finale, though it was not Hoss-centric. His absence was subtly addressed in the premiere of the 14th season, where his character was quietly written out. This marked a historic moment in television, as it was one of the first times a major character was killed off due to the actor’s death.
Despite efforts to adapt, including shifting focus to Michael Landon’s character, Little Joe, and introducing new characters, the show struggled to maintain its audience. Bonanza ended after its 14th season, with Dan Blocker’s loss cited as a pivotal factor in its decline. Years later, a 1988 reunion film revealed that Hoss had died heroically while saving a woman, offering fans long-awaited closure.