Donnie Wahlberg, known for his role in New Kids on the Block and hit TV series “Blue Bloods,” has opened up about his divorce from his first wife, Kimberly Fey. The couple, who married in 1999, shared two sons, Xavier and Elijah, and appeared to have a strong bond. However, by 2008, their marriage ended in divorce, citing irreconcilable differences.
In a recent interview, Wahlberg reflected on the challenges of that period. “It was a very difficult time,” he admitted. “Kim and I loved each other deeply, but sometimes love isn’t enough. We prioritized our children and worked hard to ensure their well-being.” Rumors of infidelity and tension surrounded their split, but Wahlberg emphasized the importance of privacy and respect during such times.
Today, Wahlberg and Fey maintain a cordial relationship as co-parents. “Our priority has always been Xavier and Elijah,” he shared. The actor credits the experience with teaching him resilience and communication, lessons he applies in his current marriage to actress Jenny McCarthy.
Wahlberg’s openness highlights the challenges of balancing fame, family, and personal struggles. “Life doesn’t always go as planned, but every ending is a chance for a new beginning,” he said, hoping to inspire others facing similar challenges.