Muse Watson, who portrayed the fan-favorite character Mike Franks on NCIS, left a lasting impression despite his character’s tragic exit in Season 8. Franks, a mentor to Gibbs (Mark Harmon) and a vital part of the show’s early seasons, was written out in a dramatic storyline, leaving fans wondering what prompted Watson’s departure.
In a reflective interview, Watson revealed that his character’s death was purely a creative decision by the show’s writers. “Mike Franks served his purpose in Gibbs’ story arc,” Watson explained. “It was about giving Gibbs a push in his journey while honoring Franks’ legacy.”
Watson admitted that leaving the show was bittersweet. “I loved playing Mike Franks. He was a tough guy with a heart, and I’ll always be grateful to the fans who connected with him.”
Though his time on NCIS ended, Watson’s portrayal of Franks remains a memorable part of the show’s legacy.