Rocky Carroll, who has portrayed NCIS Director Leon Vance since 2008, recently opened up about the challenges and rewards of his long tenure on the hit CBS procedural. In an interview, Carroll reflected on his journey, describing it as both fulfilling and demanding.
One of the more difficult aspects, he revealed, is the constant pressure to meet fans’ expectations while delivering fresh, authentic performances. “It’s a delicate balance,” he explained. “After so many years, it’s easy to fall into patterns, but I owe it to the audience to keep Leon Vance dynamic and real.”
Carroll also shared how the show’s grueling filming schedule has tested him physically and emotionally. However, he acknowledged the camaraderie among cast members as a major factor in his continued commitment to the role. “We’re a family, and that makes all the difference,” he said.
Despite the challenges, Carroll emphasized his gratitude for the role, which has provided him with a platform to grow as an actor and connect with millions of fans worldwide. “NCIS has been a blessing,” he concluded, “but like any journey, it’s had its bumps along the way.”