Pauley Perrette, known for her iconic portrayal of forensic scientist Abby Sciuto on NCIS, left the show in 2018 after 15 seasons. Her departure shocked fans, who adored her quirky character and vibrant presence. Since then, Perrette has taken a step back from the limelight, focusing on new ventures and personal growth.
After leaving NCIS, Perrette appeared in the CBS sitcom Broke in 2020, marking a significant shift from drama to comedy. Although the show was short-lived, fans praised her performance, showcasing her versatility as an actress. She has also remained active on social media, using her platform to advocate for social justice, animal rights, and mental health awareness.
In addition to her activism, Perrette has shared glimpses of her personal life, emphasizing her love for her rescue dogs and spending time with loved ones. In recent years, she revealed that she has retired from acting, choosing instead to focus on her passions and philanthropy.
Pauley Perrette’s post-NCIS journey has been one of transformation and advocacy, proving that her influence extends far beyond the screen. Fans continue to celebrate her legacy as Abby Sciuto while supporting her endeavors off-screen.